Ann’s Corner: Project 8 – Butter making
Today's Activity Let's make yummy fresh butter!! [pdf-embedder url="" title="anns cornerproj8buttermaking"]
Today's Activity Let's make yummy fresh butter!! [pdf-embedder url="" title="anns cornerproj8buttermaking"]
[pdf-embedder url="" title="April 03 COVID update from CTV"] Read full article here: April 03 COVID update from CTV
Ann's Corner: Project 9 - Hop Scotch Here's something fun to do and be active while cooped in the house!!! [pdf-embedder url="" title="anns corner proj…
Please find below some useful links and program calendars. Articles A Message from BCCF in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic Community Resources Serving Immigrant and…
Download Project 7 here Anns Corner Project 7 - Gather family and friends - Dress for the weather. - Bring Sidewalk chalk. - Take a…
These are some articles from other organizations that you might helpful. Read the full article on the Canadian Paediatric Society blog. How can we talk to…
March 27, 2020 Here’s a list of what’s considered an essential service in B.C. during the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: Government of B.C. “Essential services are those…
March 31, 2020 Ann's Corner: Project Six: Hearts of Love Using various sizes and colours of Heart Shapes, glue onto paper. Decorate individual large hearts…
March 30, 2020 Download today's activity Ann's Corner -Project 5 :Nature, balls, hoops Project #5 Balls, Kite, Hoops and Nature Walk: Gather your Friends and…
Hand hygiene and hand washing information from the BC Centre for Disease Control and the BC Ministry of Health. You can download the poster here…