Online Circle time via zoom
Monday April 6, 2020 South Vancouver Family Place will start to use “Zoom” a conferencing software to provide circle time, parenting groups and workshops. We…
Monday April 6, 2020 South Vancouver Family Place will start to use “Zoom” a conferencing software to provide circle time, parenting groups and workshops. We…
Ann's Corner: Project 11- Birds and Nests [pdf-embedder url="" title="Ann's Creative Corner Project 11"]
Ann's Corner: Project 10 - SpringTrees [pdf-embedder url="" title="Ann's Creative Corner Project 10 .dot Spring update"]
Today's Activity Let's make yummy fresh butter!! [pdf-embedder url="" title="anns cornerproj8buttermaking"]
Ann's Corner: Project 9 - Hop Scotch Here's something fun to do and be active while cooped in the house!!! [pdf-embedder url="" title="anns corner proj…
Download Project 7 here Anns Corner Project 7 - Gather family and friends - Dress for the weather. - Bring Sidewalk chalk. - Take a…
March 31, 2020 Ann's Corner: Project Six: Hearts of Love Using various sizes and colours of Heart Shapes, glue onto paper. Decorate individual large hearts…
March 30, 2020 Download today's activity Ann's Corner -Project 5 :Nature, balls, hoops Project #5 Balls, Kite, Hoops and Nature Walk: Gather your Friends and…
Project Number Four: Smoothies Smoothies Gather some fresh fruit such as strawberries, bananas, kiwis. Wash thoroughly. And prepare by peeling anything that needs peeling. On…
Project Three: Parachute Fun! Using a Parachute or large thin Sheet, gather Family and Friends together to hole a section of the Parachute or sheet.…