Online Circle time via zoom
Monday April 6, 2020 South Vancouver Family Place will start to use “Zoom” a conferencing software to provide circle time, parenting groups and workshops. We…
Monday April 6, 2020 South Vancouver Family Place will start to use “Zoom” a conferencing software to provide circle time, parenting groups and workshops. We…
Interim Guidance to Social Service Providers for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in their Facilities April 4, 2020 • For the purposes of this…
Ann's Corner: Project 11- Birds and Nests [pdf-embedder url="" title="Ann's Creative Corner Project 11"]
Ann's Corner: Project 10 - SpringTrees [pdf-embedder url="" title="Ann's Creative Corner Project 10 .dot Spring update"]
Today's Activity Let's make yummy fresh butter!! [pdf-embedder url="" title="anns cornerproj8buttermaking"]
[pdf-embedder url="" title="April 03 COVID update from CTV"] Read full article here: April 03 COVID update from CTV
Ann's Corner: Project 9 - Hop Scotch Here's something fun to do and be active while cooped in the house!!! [pdf-embedder url="" title="anns corner proj…
Please find below some useful links and program calendars. Articles A Message from BCCF in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic Community Resources Serving Immigrant and…
Download Project 7 here Anns Corner Project 7 - Gather family and friends - Dress for the weather. - Bring Sidewalk chalk. - Take a…